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  • Osimo, F. & Stein M. J. (2012) Theory And Practice of Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy. London: Karnac. acquista


  • Osimo, F. (2003) Experiential Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy, a Manual,  Bloomington, In: Authorhouse acquista


  • Osimo, F. (2001) Parole, Emozioni e Videotape. Manuale di Psicoterapia Breve Dinamico-Esperienziale [Words, Emotions and Videotape. Manual of Short Term Dynamic Experiential Psychotherapy] Milano, Franco Angeli. acquista


  • Malan D.H. & Osimo, F. (1992) Psychodynamics, Training, And Outcome In Brief  Psychotherapy, Oxford:  Butterworth-Heinemann, then Arnold. acquista


Capitoli di libri


  • Osimo, F. (2015) La psicoterapia dinamico-esperienziale: un'applicazione della teoria dell'attaccamento. Compare in Bowlby, J. Il seminario di Milano, a cura di Marco Bacciagaluppi. Milano: Franco Angeli. acquista


  • Osimo, F. (2013) Experiential-dynamic Psychotherapy: an application of attachment theory From the volume: The Milan Seminar, by John Bowlby, edited by Marco Bacciagaluppi, pp.93-136. London: Karnac. acquista
  • Osimo, F. (2002) Brief Psychodynamic Therapy. Chapter of: Comprehensive Handbook of Psychotherapy, Psychodynamic and Object Relations Psychotherapies , Vol 1. Volume Editor: J.J. Magnavita. New York,Wiley. acquista


Atti di conferenze


  • Osimo, F. (2001) The Good-Enough Emotional Experience. Atti della prima conferenza internazionale della IEDTA “Fattori essenziali pr una psicoterapia dinamica breve ed efficace”, Milano, maggio, 2001. Quaderni Di Psichiatria Pratica, numero speciale.


  • Osimo, F. (2001) Relationship And Methodology In Experiential STDP) Proceedings Of The 1st International IEDTA Conference “Core Factors For Effective Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy”, Milano, May, 2001. Quaderni Di Psichiatria Pratica, special issue.


  • Osimo, F. (1994) Psicoterapia Nel Closlieu (Psychotherapy In The Closlieu). Proceeding of the symposium “Arte Nella Follia, Follia Nell’Arte” 24-25/1/1994. Rivista Italiana Di Freniatria CXVIII, 754-759.




  • Osimo, F. (2009) The Character Hologram. Ad Hoc Bulletin for Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy: practice and theory, XIII,1, 25-50.


  • Osimo, F. with Sunderam S., Hollander L., Macaluso M., Vucetich A., J.Jamieson D., Duerr A., Semprini A.E. (2008)   Safe Conception for HIV Discordant Couples through Sperm-Washing: Experience and Perceptions of Patients in Milan, Italy, Reproductive Health Matters, XVI,31/211-219.


  • Osimo, F. with Ferrandes C. E. (2007) The Octopus And The Little Girl: Sex, Bingeing, Dissociation And Closeness. Ad Hoc Bulletin for Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy: practice and theory, XI, 1, 6-34.


  • Osimo, F. (2005) Some Oedipal And Pre-Oedipal Dynamics In Dante’s Inferno: The Hell Of Persecution. Ad Hoc Bulletin for Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy: practice and therapy, IX, 1, 6-23.


  • McCullough, Kuhn, Andrews, Valen, Hatch & Osimo (2003). The Reliability Of The Achievement Of Therapeutic Objectives Scale: A Research Instrument and Teaching Tool for Brief Psychotherapy. Journal of Brief Therapy, II,2.


  • Osimo F. (2003) Annotations For The Sun And The Wind. Ad Hoc Bulletin of Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy, VII, 2, 23-46.


  • Osimo, F. (1998) The Unexplored Complementarity Of Short-Term And Long-Term Analytic Approaches. Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, 26, 1, 95-107.


  • Osimo, F. (1994) Method, Personality And Training In Short-Term Psychotherapy. Int. Journal of Short-Term Psychotherapy, 9, 173-187.


  • Osimo, F. (1991) Time Limit, Focality And Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy. Int. Journal of Short-Term Psychotherapy, 6, 35-51.

  • Osimo, F. (1984). Un Metodo Per Misurare Il Cambiamento Psicodinamico. (A Method For Measuring Psychodynamic Change). Psicoterapia e Scienze Umane, XVIII, 1, 48-72
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